module ActionView
Action View
Action View is a framework for handling view template lookup and rendering, and provides view helpers that assist when building HTML forms, Atom feeds and more. Template formats that Action View handles are ERB (embedded Ruby, typically used to inline short Ruby snippets inside HTML), and XML Builder.
You can read more about Action View in the Action View Overview guide.
Download and installation
The latest version of Action View can be installed with RubyGems:
$ gem install actionview
Source code can be downloaded as part of the Rails project on GitHub:
Action View is released under the MIT license:
API documentation is at
Bug reports for the Ruby on Rails project can be filed here:
Feature requests should be discussed on the rails-core mailing list here:
Public class methods
Source code GitHub
# File actionview/lib/action_view.rb, line 93
def self.eager_load!
Returns the currently loaded version of Action View as a Gem::Version
Source code GitHub
# File actionview/lib/action_view/gem_version.rb, line 5
def self.gem_version VERSION::STRING
Returns the currently loaded version of Action View as a Gem::Version
Source code GitHub
# File actionview/lib/action_view/version.rb, line 7
def self.version
AbstractRenderer ActionView::
Base ActionView::
CacheExpiry ActionView::
Context ActionView::
Digestor ActionView::
FileSystemResolver ActionView::
FixtureResolver ActionView::
Helpers ActionView::
Layouts ActionView::
LogSubscriber ActionView::
LookupContext ActionView::
NullResolver ActionView::
PartialIteration ActionView::
PartialRenderer ActionView::
RecordIdentifier ActionView::
RenderParser ActionView::
Renderer ActionView::
Rendering ActionView::
Resolver ActionView::
RoutingUrlFor ActionView::
Template ActionView::
TemplateDetails ActionView::
TemplatePath ActionView::
TestCase ActionView::
UnboundTemplate ActionView::
VERSION ActionView::
Definition files
app/ helpers/ action_text/ tag_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ base.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ buffers.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ cache_expiry.rb
95 More Less
lib/ action_view/ context.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ dependency_tracker.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ dependency_tracker/ erb_tracker.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ dependency_tracker/ ruby_tracker.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ dependency_tracker/ wildcard_resolver.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ deprecator.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ digestor.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ flows.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ gem_version.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ active_model_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ asset_tag_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ asset_url_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ atom_feed_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ cache_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ capture_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ content_exfiltration_prevention_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ controller_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ csp_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ csrf_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ date_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ debug_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ form_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ form_options_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ form_tag_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ javascript_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ number_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ output_safety_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ rendering_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ sanitize_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tag_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ base.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ check_box.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ collection_check_boxes.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ collection_helpers.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ collection_radio_buttons.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ collection_select.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ date_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ date_select.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ datetime_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ datetime_local_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ file_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ grouped_collection_select.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ hidden_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ month_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ select.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ select_renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ time_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ time_zone_select.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ week_field.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ tags/ weekday_select.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ text_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ translation_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ helpers/ url_helper.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ layouts.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ log_subscriber.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ lookup_context.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ model_naming.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ path_registry.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ path_set.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ railtie.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ record_identifier.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ render_parser.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ render_parser/ prism_render_parser.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ render_parser/ ripper_render_parser.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ abstract_renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ collection_renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ partial_renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ partial_renderer/ collection_caching.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ streaming_template_renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ renderer/ template_renderer.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ rendering.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ routing_url_for.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ error.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ handlers.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ handlers/ builder.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ handlers/ erb.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ handlers/ erb/ erubi.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ html.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ inline.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ raw_file.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ renderable.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ resolver.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ text.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template/ types.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template_details.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ template_path.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ test_case.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ testing/ resolvers.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ unbound_template.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ version.rb actionview/
lib/ action_view/ view_paths.rb